Friday, April 5, 2013

Homemade Chef's Baked Halibut

Another baby BLW friendly recipe i would like to share! My baby has this at 6.5mo! Hope you'll enjoy it as much as Sonia! She loves it very much!

Homemade Chef's Baked Halibut 

1. Beat one egg for coating.
2. Premix breadcrumbs, black pepper, chilli powder (optional, i just put coz i have it)

1. Preheat oven to 200C.
2. Cut halibut (or any whitefish to nice finger size).
3. Dip fish into egg and thoroughly coat with the premixed crumbs.
4. Place them on an ALU sheet on a baking tray.
5. Baked for about 15mins.

White fish cooks fast and seasoning is optional and you can pretty much put what you like. May opt out since the fat from the fish will give the fragrant.

Mushroom Cheese Omelette

Mushroom Cheese Omelette
Yes! Sonia is already eating family food at 7mo old! Decided to make her Mushroom Cheese Omelette and she loves them!!

Here's the recipe:

1. Dice one portobello mushroom to chopped size.
2. Dice one Babybel red cheese to cooked red (Azuki) bean size.

1. Beat 2 eggs and add in cheese.(i used pasturised eggs since she's still young)
2. Heat pan with a little olive oil and fry mushroom till cooked.
3. Add eggs prep earlier.

Viola, simple yummy eggie for the little one.